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See all EU institutions and bodiesThis page presents selected data catalogues and infrastructures offering reference data related to biodiversity in Europe, as developed and managed by BISE key partners, other relevant organisations and projects. The list will constantly increase and be kept up to date.
BISE key partners data catalogues and infrastructures

EEA-SDI Biodiversity thematic catalogue
Direct entry point to discover, understand and download geospatial datasets, organized by subtopics (habitats, species distributions species, protected sites, etc.), as available into the European Environment Agency EEA-SDI Geospatial Data Catalogue.

EEA-SDI other thematic catalogues
Access to the main page of the EEA-SDI Geospatial Data Catalogue to discover additional geospatial datasets and web services related to biodiversity and ecosystem topics that are produced, maintained or published by the European Environment Agency.

Joint Research Centre Data Catalogue
Inventory of data and resources produced by the Joint Research Centre to develop scientific applications, design data visualizations. The catalogue is pre-filtered by biodiversity topic.
Other data catalogues and infrastructures

Copernicus services
The European Programme for the establishment of a European capacity for Earth Observation provides relevant services related with biodiversity topics, in particular the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS).

GEO BON Biodiversity Observation Network and EBV Data Portal
With the main mission to "Improve the acquisition, coordination and delivery of biodiversity observations and related services to users including decision makers and the scientific community", it offers among other the Essential Biodiversity Variables - EBV Data Portal.

European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)- Data portals
The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a network of organisations supported by the EU’s integrated maritime policy. EMODnet provides access to European marine data across seven discipline-based themes: Bathymetry, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Human activities, Physics, Seabed habitats.