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See all EU institutions and bodiesCroatia
Croatia, a predominantly mountainous country, encompasses terrestrial and marine areas of over 56,000km². It comprises the Slavonia lowlands in the interior and the coastal Dinaric Alps, along with numerous islands and islets scattered throughout the Adriatic Sea. The country shares borders with 5 neighbouring nations. The highest peak, Dinara, reaches an elevation of 1,831m. Croatia has a population of 3.9 million people, resulting in a population density of 68.4 people per km².
of land covered
by protected areas
of marine waters covered
by protected areas
species protected
under EU law
habitats protected
under EU law
Protected areas in km2 on land and km2 at sea.
cover a total ofPercentage of area covered by protected areas
Currently, of ’s terrestrial territory is designated as protected areas, which is significantly above the EU value of 26.4% with the target of 30% to be reached at the EU level by 2030 as set by the EU Biodiversity Strategy (link to KCBD). The EU Biodiversity Strategy has set a target of reaching 30% protected area coverage at the EU level by 2030. Currently at , the protected areas coverage in the marine waters of Bulgaria is below the EU value of 12.1%.
Number of protected areas
protected areas, comprising sites designated under national laws and sites recognized as Natura 2000 sites. These Natura 2000 sites are designated under the Birds Directive, encompassing Special Protection Areas, and the Habitats Directive, encompassing Sites of Community Importance. Many sites are designated under both Directives.
has a total of
Total of protected areas
Protected areas designated
under national laws
Designated sites
in the Natura 2000 network
Distribution of protected areas between national designations and Natura 2000
In ) of the protected areas are designated solely under national laws. The marine protected areas network in Croatia largely consists of Natura 2000 sites, with a smaller portion covered by areas where these overlap with national designations.
, nearly two-thirds of the protected areas in the terrestrial environment are exclusively designated as Natura 2000 sites, indicating their importance in conserving biodiversity and natural habitats. Another third of the protected areas hold dual designations, falling under both the Birds and Habitats Directives as well as national laws. Only a small portion (Spatial distribution of protected areas network
Protected areas designated under national laws
Designated sites in the Natura 2000 network
Size distribution of protected areas network
The size distribution of the protected areas network in Croatia’s terrestrial environment, aligns with the trend observed in many other EU countries, where the majority of protected areas are smaller than 1km². Only about 1% of terrestrial protected areas are larger than 1,000km2. The marine protected areas network of Croatia mainly consists of protected areas falling into two size categories – less than 1km2 and 1-10km2.
Natura 2000 sites
Natura 2000 sites in species and habitats from the nature directives. The number of species and habitats protected in each site varies depending on the location of the site, the biodiversity in the region, the designation being used, and the features the site is being created to protect.