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See all EU institutions and bodiesRelevance and main data gaps for ecosystems assessment
Ecosystem condition |
Major drivers of ecosystem change |
Ecosystem type |
Condition |
Habitat change |
Climate change |
Overexploitation (unsustainable management) |
Invasive species |
Pollution and Nutrient Enrichment |
Biodiversity level |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - IUCN European species assessments - Birdlife International species assessments - Species and habitats accounts of European conservation importance - EEA’s on-going fast track implementation methodology of biodiversity and species accounts (ecosystem accounting methodology) Natura 2000 Directive on Air Quality - Thematic High Resolution Layers |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - IUCN European species assessments - Birdlife International species assessments - Species and habitats accounts of European conservation importance - Landscape fragmentation - Loss of accessibility for migratory fish due to dams in major European river basins |
- ESPON climate - EFFIS |
- HNV forest - AEI4 Indicator on Area under organic farming - AEI23 indicator on HNV farmland - Carbon accounts on timber extraction and grazing livestock - CSI032 Indicator on Status of marine fish stocks - FAO fishstats |
- SEBI10 Indicator on Invasive alien species in Europe - EASIN network - Trends and pathways of Marine Alien Species (upcoming datasets: EEA) |
- Air quality Directive - Nitrates Directive -Exceedance of critical loads for eutrophication by nutrient nitrogen - Exceedance of pesticides in soils - Heavy Metals input-output balance - Critical levels of ozone damage assessment |
Woodland and forest |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - CLC - JRC Forest Type Map 2006 - HNV forest area, Naturalness - Pan-European map on growing stock - EFI dataset, EFISCEN database - UNECE/FAO/Forest Europe statistics - CORILIS radius 0, NDVI - Forest fires (EFFIS) - 2 upcoming indicator (FISE): Pan-European map of forest living biomass, Pan-European map of forest biomass increment Natura 2000 Directive on Air Quality |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - CLC - JRC Forest Type Map 2006 - HANTS NDVI - JRC Forest Pattern, Fragmentation and Connectivity - SEBI13 Indicator on fragmentation of natural and semi-natural areas - IUCN European species assessments - Birdlife international database - On-going JRC work on Mediterranean forest and forest Nat-2000, CC and biodiversity. |
- CLC - Natura 2000 database - World Fire Atlas - JRC Eurosoil - OEROK 2011, - JNCC 2010 - HANTS NDVI - ESPON climate - EFFIS - Maps on impacts of CC on tree species distribution (FISE/EFDAC). |
- HNV forest - Nutrient accounts - SEBI17 Indicator on forest (growing stock, increment and felling) - NFI datasets 2005 - Carbon accounts on timber extraction and grazing livestock - Timber provision (JRC, based on AFOLU and EFISCEN) - Pan-European map on growing stock - Forest productivity (forest biomass) - JRC Forest Pattern, Fragmentation and Connectivity - Forest mapping - Private forest ownership map |
- SEBI10 Indicator on Invasive alien species in Europe - EASIN network |
- Air quality Directive - Nitrates Directive 1 - SEBI9 Indicator on Critical load exceedance for nitrogen) 2 - Critical loads exceedance of eutrophication due to the deposition of nutrient nitrogen 3 - Critical levels of ozone damage assessment 4 - Nutrient accounts – Methodology development for N and P accounts per ecosystem type 5 - HAIR2010 6 - Heavy Metals 7 - E-PRTR |
Grassland |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - CLC - HR layer on grassland - LEAC tools - FAO livestock map - JRC nitrogen map - Eurostat Livestock statistics - Grazed biomass Natura 2000 Directive on Air Quality |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - CLC - HR layer on grassland - HANTS NDVI - Landscape fragmentation - Carbon accounts - HNV farmlands - AEI4 Indicator on Area under organic farming - IUCN European species assessments - Birdlife international database |
- CLC - ESPON climate - World Fire Atlas - HANTS NDVI - EFFIS |
- HNV farmlands - AEI4 Indicator on Area under organic farming - Nutrient accounts - Carbon accounts on grazing livestock |
- Invasive alien species in Europe (SEBI 010 - EASIN network |
-Air quality Directive -Nitrates Directive 8 - SEBI09 Indicator on Critical load exceedance for nitrogen 9 - Critical levels of ozone damage assessment 10 - Nutrient accounts – Methodology development for N and P accounts per ecosystem type 11 - Heavy Metals |
Heathland and shrub |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - CLC - LEAC - Biogeographical regions layer Natura 2000 Directive on Air Quality |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - CLC - HANTS NDVI - EFFIS - Landscape fragmentation - IUCN European species assessments - Birdlife international database |
- CLC - ESPON climate - World Fire Atlas - HANTS NDVI - EFFIS |
- Invasive alien species in Europe (SEBI 010) - EASIN network |
12 - SEBI09 Indicator on Critical load exceedance for nitrogen 13 - Nutrient accounts – Methodology development for N and P accounts per ecosystem type |
Agro-ecosystems (cropland) |
- Biomass harvested - Eurostat Statistics: crop production and land use change - CAPRI LU maps - Carbon accounts – crop production in arable land Natura 2000 Directive on Air Quality |
- CLC - HANTS NDVI - AEI4 Indicator on Area under organic farming -AEI23 indicator on HNV farmland - CSI14, Land take indicator - Landscape structure: fragmentation, ecotones, linear features - Presence of greenhouses - EU Agricultural census * |
- ESPON climate - EFFIS |
- Nutrient accounts - Carbon accounts on grazing livestock and arable land - AEI4 Indicator on Area under organic farming - AEI23 indicator on HNV farmland - High irrigated land usage - CLC - SoilProd model: spatially explicit results - SPOT VEGETATION1 - LUCAS - HSMU database - SENSOR Project * |
- SEBI10 Indicator on Invasive alien species in Europe - EASIN network |
-Air quality Directive -Nitrates Directive 14 - SEBI09 indicator on Critical load exceedance for nitrogen - Critical levels of ozone damage assessment 15 - Nutrient accounts – Methodology development for N and P accounts per ecosystem type 16 - Heavy Metals |
Rivers and lakes |
- WFD - ECRINS - River basin Districts (RBDs) - CLC - JRC MARS - ETR Evapotranspiration - EEA ORNL’s Landscan - FEC - WISE - Waterbase Natura 2000 Directive on Air Quality *
- CLC - ECRINS - Waterbase databases - Loss of accessibility for migratory fish due to dams in major European river basins - IUCN European species assessments - Birdlife international database
- ESPON climate
- ECRINS - Loss of accessibility for migratory fish due to dams in major European river basins - Waterbase databases
- SEBI10 Indicator on Invasive alien species in Europe - EASIN network
- Air quality Directive - Nitrates Directive - Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) - WFD: Mean annual nitrates in rivers reported by MS - SEBI09 indicator on Critical load exceedance for nitrogen) |
Wetlands |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - WFD - CLC - LEAC - HRL wetland - Satellite imagery - Ramsar layer on wetlands Natura 2000 Directive on Air Quality |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - CLC - LEAC tools - HRL wetland - IUCN European species assessments - Birdlife international database - Loss of accessibility for migratory fish due to dams in major European river basins - Wetlands inventories and land use/land cover layers *
- ESPON climate
- Multi-temporal satellite imagery - Wetland indicators developed by ETC-SIA (section of the EA Methodology report) - Wetlands inventories and land use/land cover layers
- SEBI10 Indicator on Invasive alien species in Europe - EASIN network
- Air quality Directive - Nitrates Directive - Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) - WFD: Mean annual nitrates in rivers reported by MS - SEBI09 indicator on Critical load exceedance for nitrogen |
Marine |
- HD and BD reporting obligations - MSFD (upcoming datasets) - CLC - Art. 17 Species distribution - Art. 12 Birds conservation status - Ecosystem map (ETC/SIA 2013) Directive on Air Quality - Natura 2000 - EU Sea map - Waterbase
- HD and BD reporting obligations - MSFD (upcoming datasets) - IUCN European species assessments - Birdlife international database - Loss of accessibility for migratory fish due to dams in major European river basins
- ESPON climate - EMIS portal and data
- Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) - MSFD (upcoming datasets) - CSI032 Indicator on Status of marine fish stocks - CSI034 Indicator on Fishing fleet capacity - FAO fishstats - CSI 033 Indicator on Aquaculture production - Biomass surveys and analysis of commercial catch per unit effort (CPUE)
- SEBI10 Indicator on Invasive alien species in Europe - Trends and pathways of Marine Alien Species (upcoming datasets: EEA) -MAS (upcoming 2 indicators per MSFD area by EEA (expected 2014)
- Air quality Directive - Nitrates Directive - CSI021 Indicator on Nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters - CSI023 Indicator on Chlorophyll in transitional, coastal and marine waters - MAR001 Indicator on Hazardous substances in marine organism - Regional Sea Conventions monitoring networks |