All official European Union website addresses are in the domain.
See all EU institutions and bodiesNatura 2000 Site species list
select site_code, species_name,species_code, id_eunis, species_group_name, scientific_name, common_name, code_2000, lower_bound, upper_bound, counting_unit, abundance_category, population_type, appears_number_sites, isnull(picture_url_new, picture_url) as picture_url, E27_threat_code, E27_threat_name, EU_threat_code, EU_threat_name, WO_threat_code, WO_threat_name from (SELECT ssld.*, (select ThumbnailURL from [EUNIS].[latest].[species_photos] where main=1 and eunis_id=ssld.id_eunis ) picture_url_new from BISE.latest.Site_Species_List_Details ssld) a
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