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See all EU institutions and bodiesHabitat composition by group
SELECT * FROM (SELECT countryCode as iso2, 'Bogs, mires and fens' as habitat_group, Percentage_Bogs_mires_fens as group_percentage, Count_Bogs_mires_fens as number_habitats FROM [BISE].[latest].[Number_Composition_Habitats] UNION ALL SELECT countryCode as iso2, 'Coastal and salt-tolerant habitats' as habitat_group, Percentage_Coastal_habitats as group_percentage, Count_Coastal_habitats as number_habitats FROM [BISE].[latest].[Number_Composition_Habitats] UNION ALL SELECT countryCode as iso2, 'Coastal and inland dunes' as habitat_group, Percentage_Dune_habitats as group_percentage, Count_Dune_habitats as number_habitats FROM [BISE].[latest].[Number_Composition_Habitats] UNION ALL SELECT countryCode as iso2, 'Forests' as habitat_group, Percentage_Forests as group_percentage, Count_Forests as number_habitats FROM [BISE].[latest].[Number_Composition_Habitats] UNION ALL SELECT countryCode as iso2, 'Freshwater' as habitat_group, Percentage_Freshwater_habitats as group_percentage, Count_Freshwater_habitats as number_habitats FROM [BISE].[latest].[Number_Composition_Habitats] UNION ALL SELECT countryCode as iso2, 'Grasslands' as habitat_group, Percentage_Grasslands as group_percentage, Count_Grasslands as number_habitats FROM [BISE].[latest].[Number_Composition_Habitats] UNION ALL SELECT countryCode as iso2, 'Heath and scrub' as habitat_group, Percentage_Heath_scrub as group_percentage, Count_Heath_scrub as number_habitats FROM [BISE].[latest].[Number_Composition_Habitats] UNION ALL SELECT countryCode as iso2, 'Rocky habitats' as habitat_group, Percentage_Rocky_habitats as group_percentage, Count_Rocky_habitats as number_habitats FROM [BISE].[latest].[Number_Composition_Habitats] UNION ALL SELECT countryCode as iso2, 'Sclerophyllous scrub' as habitat_group, Percentage_Sclerophyllous_scrub as group_percentage, Count_Sclerophyllous_scrub as number_habitats FROM [BISE].[latest].[Number_Composition_Habitats]) a WHERE number_habitats > 0 order by group_percentage desc
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